Friday, November 25, 2011

Problems confronting in Drilling of Borewells/Tubewells in different Geological formations in India.

It is common practice to observe that only DTH rigs are operating in Hard rock areas, Direct Rotary drilling machines in unconsolidated or alluvial formations and Percussion drilling machines in the areas where boulders, gravel and karst topography(limestone solution cavities) are prevalent. Percussion drilling also can be taken up in consolidated and unconsolidated formations but the drilling rate is slow and financially not viable compared to DTH and Direct rotary drilling methods. But the problem arises when alluvial formations or unconsolidated formations encountered in predominantly dominated Hard rock areas.Similarly,several problems occur when the local boring methods are being used instead of Direct Rotary drilling method   in unconsolidated formations,particularly when the depth of Tubewells increases from 25 feet to more than 100 feet  due to increase in utility of groundwater.

Common problems in Hard Rock Areas


1.    Problems due to occurrence of unconsolidated formations
The alluvial formations occur in hard areas in patches due to buried river channels, along stream courses, floodplains, palaeo-channels etc or lake beds which are encroached for building construction. As only DTH rigs are available in hard rock areas,(as  Direct Rotary drilling or local hand boring methods are not available )drilling for bore wells in this area taken up by DTH rigs have to be abruptly stopped due to collapse of unconsolidated formations and as such drilling could not be proceed beyond 12 to 15 meters. And the owners of the buildings who have no other option except to satisfy with these shallow bore wells having very limited quantity of water. But later few years, the residents of the building face water scarcity as the shallow bore well goes dry. Direct Rotary drilling rigs or combination Rigs(combination of DTH and  Rotary  drilling) are not available in these areas to take up drilling under such conditions.

     2. Problems due to occurrence of Limestone Karsts topography:
In Singanamala mandal of Anantpur district, drilling of bore well came to an abrupt end at 100 feet as the DTH rig could not proceed further as continuation of granite rock is missing. This area is transition zone for Archaean Granite Gneisses and Kadapa rock formations. In fact Limestone formation having solution cavities (Karst limestone) struck at 100 feet. In Karst topography, Percussion drilling rigs could be able to drill bore wells but such rigs are not available in this area.

    3. Distance criteria not followed in urban areas:
In urban areas like Hyderabad large number of bore wells are drilled for drinking water
purposes. Due to increase in number of Apartments, the prescribed distance criteria between two Bore wells are not being followed. With the result, certain problems cropped up in the performance of Bore wells.  Some of the important problems are -lowering of water table, reduction in discharge of bore wells, and hampering of drilling progress. In the areas where bore wells are located close to each other I:e distance between two bore wells is about 20 meters and less-when drilling is under progress for new bore well, the Air that is emanating from Air Compressor- instead of adding to the  progress of drilling, Air get leaked through adjacent bore well/Dug well and hinder the progress of new bore well. The drilling process has to be stopped at this stage and make a retreat.
4. Effect of thick clay layer on the success of Bore well:
In one of the villages of Srikakulam district, it was observed that a bore well was drilled up to 150 feet which was located in highly favorable location turned out to be a unsuccessful well. Nearby river is flowing by the Bore well location has good catchment area and weathered rock existing up to the depth of 90 feet. The reasons for failure of Bore well could not be traced out easily. After a detailed investigation of the area, it was observed that one meter thickness of Clay is overlying the weathered rock and not allowing surface water to percolate to sub surface. There is one big Lake located in the village having abundant water. It was reported by villagers that throughout year, water exists in full capacity of the lake as underlying clay material will not allow any percolation to subsurface water. There is only evaporation of lake water and no recharge to groundwater. Thick clayey material is common in hard rock areas particularly in Kadapa formations, Deccan trap areas and in Achaeans.

    5. Highly weathered formation: In few locations, highly weathered (loose soil) formations from 80 to 100 feet struck in few bore wells. Generally Rig operators lower casing pipe up to 25 to 40 feet and complete the construction of bore well. In such cases, after few days of pumping it will be noticed that discharge of bore well has decreased. The reason for reduction of discharge is collapse of bore well from 40 feet onwards till the hard rock strikes. Casing pipe should cover the entire thickness of highly weathered rock formation.

Problems confronted in unconsolidated formations:

1. About 2 decades back, in Deltaic areas, Coastal areas, along stream courses and sometimes in command areas of Water bodies, filter points and shallow Tube wells depth up to 25 to 35 feet used to be ground water abstraction structures. Of late dependence on groundwater has increased in these areas, consequently, the depth of filter points and shallow tube wells in these areas has increased to 100 feet and some places the depth is more. But in these areas, though the depth of shallow tube wells increased, the same old methods of hand boring methods are still being practiced. It is a simple way of constructing shallow tube wells in alluvial formations without lowering slotted pipes or gravel  filling as  per the subsurface geological conditions. For shallow depths, these hand boring methods were working satisfactorily due to abundant groundwater. But for the deep tube wells (above 100 feet) certain problems encountered during the operation of these tube wells drilled by local boring methods. Main problems are, low discharge, muddy water and collapse of bore well etc. When number of tube wells are increased and depth of wells increased, it is necessary to follow proven technical methods while taking up the construction of wells. But the cost of construction of Tube wells on proven technical methods is high and the Direct rotary drilling methods with mud circulation are so far employed by government agencies only. The drilling process includes delineation of subsurface litho logical data, selection of gravel packing material as per geological formations, selection of slotted pipe, blank pipe, and development of Tube well until the water become free from clay, silt and Sand. In few locations, farmers constructed the tube wells lowering the casing up to the bottom of tube well without using slotted pipe and gravel packing etc. In such cases wherever sand zones are struck, the drilling will be stopped and lower the casing up to bottom. In such cases full potential of groundwater sources could not be exploited due to inadequate application of required technical methods.
2. Inadequate knowledge while encountering saline water. The quality of groundwater problem occurs along the coastal belt and in deltaic areas. The salinity problem is very complex and there is no uniformity in the pattern of occurrence of saline water. In the coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu states generally, fresh water occurs on upper shallow zone and saline Water encounter below the fresh water. In cities like Chennai and small towns located along the coastal area, utmost care is to be taken to pump out fresh water overlying the saline water. Any overexploitation or overdraft in this area will yield saline water particularly during summer season. The situation is so delicate in Chennai city, in the western portion of the city fresh water occurs up to 70 feet below ground level and  towards east(towards Sea)in intermittent zone, fresh water is available up to 50 feet and near coast fresh water is available up to 20 to 25 feet only.  More new number of wells and more exploitation of water lead to discharge of saline water.  Thanks to the efforts of state government which made Rain water Harvesting structures compulsory in all the Apartments of Chennai city which makes the situation better, as far as the availability of fresh water is concerned.
  In rural areas of coastal area, agricultural activities and fish pond culture has increased the exploitation of fresh water which caused yielding of saline water in few locations. This has resulted severe drinking water problem along the coastal area. In such areas, local authorities supplying drinking water through tankers.
  In deltaic areas of Godavari, Krishna and Cauvery rivers, shallow tube wells are generally drilled up to 70 to 100 feet which gives high yield of potable groundwater.  In addition, along River courses, along canals, potable groundwater is available in shallow tube wells.

The situation is quite different in west Bengal where in few major stretches like Diamond Harbour-Namkhana track , Saline water occur on upper zones and fresh water in lower zones. The same situation continues up to major part of Orissa state but near Puri Town,  the position changes where fresh water occur on upper zone and saline water underlying it. In coastal Gujarat both the conditions exists, i.e some places saline water occurs on upper zones and in lower zones fresh water and in other areas, reverse positon is existing.
In the areas where groundwater quality problem exists, the drilling units should be capable of carrying out Packer tests and cement sealing tests so as to seal the saline water and tap only fresh ground water. These techniques are so far used by government agencies and ordinary farmers should be able to follow these techniques. Government agencies or NGOs involved in such activities should guide the farmers when they go for Tube wells in their areas.

The problems which encounter in hard rock areas due to occurrence of unconsolidated formations, thick clayey layers and construction of Tube wells by local boring methods are prevalent in large part of Southern India and Deccan trap areas of Maharashtra, parts of M.P and Gujarat. In remaining parts of the country also similar problems occur though extent of hard rock areas is limited. There should be some agencies which should take care of such problems by taking extra efforts as the cases reported are few in number from Taluka and district level. Or some system should be evolved to register the cases from different areas and chalk out a plan to tackle the situation.

C Satyanarayana


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  5. Great article.....

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  7. What is the distance between two bore wells for agricultural purpose and also for domestic purpose

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Same problem happened in my house, Is there any remedies?

    3. It should be minimum of 8 feet between two borewells. If you know two borewells are joined together you should stop the drilling immediately.
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